Deposit, Record and Protect All Literary Works and Works of Music and Art
Lebanese law protects moral and artistic property, that is, all productions of the human mind, whether they are written, graphic, sculptural, written or oral, whatever their value, importance and purpose and whatever their way or form of expression.
The following acts are protected, but not limited to:
- Books, archives, booklets, publications, publications and all other literary, artistic and scientific works.
- Lectures, speeches and other verbal work.
- Audiovisual works and photographs.
- Musical works, whether accompanied or unaccompanied.
- Theatrical works and musicals.
- Actions performed with movements or technical steps and pantomimes.
- Painting, sculpture, drilling, ornament, weaving and lithography.
- Drawings and photographs specializing in architecture art.
- Computer software whatever its languages, including preparatory work.
- Maps, designs, charts, geographical, topographic, engineering and scientific objects.
- Plastic art works of any kind, whether or not dedicated to the industry.
They shall also be subject to the provisions of this Act and shall benefit from the protection afforded by all of the following subsidiary works, provided that the rights of the author of the original work are not infringed:
– Translations and adaptation of works for art, conversion and musical redistribution
– Business and information groups, whether in the form of an automated reader or any other form, approved by the copyright holder or his public or private successors provided that the choice or arrangement of the content is innovative.
Protection also benefits literary and artistic works in the following cases:
- If first published in Lebanon.
- If it was first published in a State acceding to one of the treaties mentioned in the preceding article.
- If, for the first time, it is published outside Lebanon and outside the States that have acceded to one of these treaties, provided that it is published in Lebanon or in a country that has acceded to one of the above treaties within thirty days from the date of its publication in the other country.

The protection granted under the provisions of this Law benefits from innovative literary and artistic works by the following authors:
- Lebanese authors wherever they reside.
- Non-Lebanese authors are required to be nationals of one of the countries acceding to the Treaty of Bern for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works or the Universal Treaty for the Protection of Authors’ Rights or Residents.
- Authors are nationals of any State member of the League of Arab States that is not a party to one of the treaties
mentioned above, the requirement of reciprocity. - Producers of audiovisual works who have major status or residence in Lebanon or in one of the States acceding to the Treaty of Bern for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works or to the Universal Treaty for the Protection of Author’s Rights.
It is a neighboring rights owner who produces audio recordings, television and radio broadcasting companies and institutions, publishing houses and performers such as actors, performers, singers, choirers, dancers, puppet theatre artists and circus artists.
Protection shall be granted to audiovisual producers in each of the following cases:
a. If the audio recording product is Lebanese or has the nationality of a country that is a member of the Rome International Convention to protect artists signed in Rome on 26/10/1961.
b. If the first confirmation is made in a State Party to the above-mentioned Convention.
c. If the audio recording is first published in a State Party to the above-mentioned Convention. If
The audio recording had been published, for the first time in a State not party to the Rome Convention, and then Published in a State Party to this Convention within a period of thirty days from the date of first publication, shall be deemed This audio recording looks like it was first published in the Member State.
Protection shall be granted to artists performing in each of the following cases:
a. When performance takes place in Lebanon or in a State acceding to the above-mentioned Rome Convention.
b. When performance is established on an audio recording covered by the protection provided by law.
c. When the performance is proven unproven on an audio recording, through a program covered by protection stipulated by law.
Some cases have been dealt with where copyright is protected, in order to highlight ways that help reduce abuses that obtain authors’ rights, or adjacent rights holders, and facilitate their protection and the process of restitution by legal means.
Practice Areas
Mount Liban, Aley, Saraya Mall
+961 3 869 917